The Logo

The genesis of the logo

The EHRAS coordinators would like to thank our graphic designer Ms Marta Costantino for coming up with the beautiful EHRAS logo! See below how she transformed our key words into modelled wavy figures, giving birth to our logo!

General Key words

Human Rights - Sea - International and EU law

Key words (negative)

Migrants - migration waves - sea pirates - detained - unsafe work at sea - abuses - forced labour - slavery - torture - inhuman and degrading treatments

Key words (positive)

solidarity - justice - human being and the sea - human rights protection - inclusivity

Starting from the input provided by the brief, during the design of the logo I focused on the concept of PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AT SEA, and on what elements could encapsulate such a vast and complex area of intervention in a concise and symbolic manner.

The linguistic definition of protection is: 

'protective or defensive function'; as well as 'safeguard'

I therefore asked myself how one could defend and protect someone or something: the most effective answer - not in absolute terms but in relative terms of contextual functionality - came from actions, from doing

I therefore chose the symbol par excellence of doing: hands. Not only that, but also hands that become care, attention, caring. 

It is through the body that we experience the world: through that tangible instrument that becomes a means of action. But hands were not enough: they represented the human being; they had to maintain their meaning but also transform themselves in the scope of the brand that was being formed. 

I therefore chose to stylise them to the extreme and trace them back to a wave that directs, moves, and at the same time contains, supports, welcomes, unites and protects all the people who live the sea.

Stylization of the palm and hand becoming a wave that contains and supports and directs

Symbol for the protection of human rights at sea

Addition of the EHRAS logotype in a minimalist, readable font ("sans-serif") that stylistically refers to the solidity of the law and its enforcement